
Hello I'm Anna! Thanks for visiting my blog (:

What inspires my blogs?- Life in general.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm absolutly, very sorry for the extended absence. Iv'e neglected my blogger and my flickr, and now Im attempting to catch up, but not feeling motivated. Summer grabbed me by the hand, and wouldn't let go, and now school is starting in 6 days, I'm not prepared to return there.

The picture above is where I am at right now! Im in a super fancy hotel in Lake Charles, Louisiana. So technically Im out of state, but it doesnt feel like it. I'm leaving in a few hours, and I'm ecstatic to get back home.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Upload Failed!

Well I said I was going to finish the challenge...well if my camera will upload pictures I will (:

Cullen Blvd.

I defiantly went to the midnight premiere of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. It was purely amazing....now not to start a fight or anything, but I am Team Emmett (which dosen't count) but I was Team Edward...but, let me tell you, I'm thinking about going Team Jacob. This movie was just amazing...I sat for 10 minutes in the movie theater afterwards, to let it all sink in! It was great. I loved it. 678590342189 thumbs up.
This is a picture of downtown, there is a street called Cullen Blvd. and I thought I would go ahead and post a blog to tell you the amazingness (:
And to answer your question Jennifer, Yes, it was a billion times better than the first 2 movies.


I have been beyond busy with packing to work summer camp as EA Staff, and its been crazy, and I have neglected to blog! I have obviously failed at my photo challenge, but hey! the point of a challenge is to finish, its not a race...so I promise, I will finish!
I did take my beach trip! Things have settled down! Although, I leave Monday to work camp....but I will be back Friday! (:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 07- A Picture From A Recent Vacation

Day 07- A Picture From A Recent Vacation
Alright, so once again, I'm going on vacation this weekend...and I havent been on a true vacation in a while, but I guess this counts. This is a picture, I took, Of me and Cactus (ignore his halter, he was new and had to use someone else's). But this was in May, and I work at this Barn and its fun and I love doing it, so its defiantly a vacation....even if I do work (:
Bring On Day 08 (:
Days to look forward to-
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 06- A Picture That Inspires You

Day 06- A Picture That Inspires You
This Day 06, and we are supposed to post a picture that inspires me.... and this picture ,pretty much sums up life for me. I love it, it has great tones and the concept it just so cool, and the sky is super cool ,as well. This picture defiantly inspires me, although, unfortunately it isn't mine. My friend, Holly Henry, is an amazing photographer and has super cool ideas, and this is her picture (: Full credit to her! These are the links to her Flickr; The first link is of the picture I used and The second link is her Flickr, if you want to check her out!
Thanks Holly, for letting me use your photo!!!
Days to look forward to:
07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 05- A Picture Of Your Morning

Day 05- A Picture Of Your Morning
This is a picture from this morning (: Its my alarm clock, I like it alot! Its great and very very loud! But once again with my unoriginal pictures...I know this is kinda a given, but I didnt really know what to take a picture of and since I hace to go to Summer School, so I didnt have time to take a super- amazing- extra -cool- picture (: But cant wait for tomorrows challenge!
Bring on Day 06!
Days to look forward to (:

Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Day 04- Where You Went Today

Day 04- Where You Went Today
Im sorry I didnt post this yesterday, but I was driving around town looking at a horseback riding academy. Im planning on taking lessons in August! Cant wait. But, I didnt really go anywhere intresting yesterday, So I posted a picture of where I went today (: Its a place called "Summer School", for people who didnt pass the class the first time :/ like me. So this is a picture of the stairwell that I go up and down to get to Room #449 for English 1A. Well Im going to go ahead and post this and then put todays up, and get back on schedule! Sorry for the delay!
Bring on Day 05!
Days to look forward to (:
Day 05 - A picture from your morning
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 03- Post A Picture Of Your Street

Day 03- Post A Picture Of Your Street
Alright! This is Day 03 of "The 20 Day Photo Challenge" and I am beginning to get super excited about it! Today's challenge was to post a picture of your street, well, my street isnt all that intresting, and I couldnt think of a creative way to make it look intresting, so I just stood in the middle of the street and took a picture! I hope tomorrow's challenge will be more of a success for me!
Bring on Day 04!
Photo Challenges To Look Foward To:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself
Day 02 - A beach picture that you have taken
Day 03 - A picture of your street
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture from your morning
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 02- Picture Of The Beach

Day 02- Picture Of The Beach

This is Day 02 of "The 20 Day Photo Challenge" and It says post a picture of the beach that you took, well I didn't take this, but someone did.I don't have any pictures of the beach, but I'm due for a beach visit and I'm going next weekend, so I will defiantly post some pictures...When I get them! But, I thought it was beautiful and breathtaking, and I'm jealous of the photographer, just by looking at the picture. But, lets keep this challenge going!

Bring on Day 03!

Photo Challenges to look forward to:

Day 03 - A picture of your street

Day 04 - A picture of where you went today

Day 05 - A picture from your morning

Day 06 - A picture that inspires you

Day 07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation

Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute

Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion

Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love

Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders

Day 12 - A black and white photo

Day 13 - A picture from last summer

Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone

Day 15 - A picture that you edited

Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago

Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today

Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend

Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours

Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 01- A Picture Of Yourself.

Day 01- A Picture Of Yourself.
I am currently participating in this new challenge, called "The 20 Day Photography Challenge" by http://thelovelylist.blogspot.com/.
Its basically a list of challenges, you attempt to fulfil! Its going to be a lot of fun and it gives me something to look forward to everyday!
This is only Day 01. The challenge today, was to put a picture of yourself. So, here is the picture of myself! This is a picture, I took in the car, on the first day of summer. Its not exactly, a great picture, but there is something about it that makes me love it <3.
Bring on Day 02!
Challenges to look forward to:
Day 02 - A beach picture that you have taken
Day 03 - A picture of your street
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture from your morning
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - Post a picture from a recent vacation
Day 08 - Post a picture from your commute
Day 09 - Take a picture today that showcases motion
Day 10 - A picture that you took at one time that you love
Day 11 - Post one of the oldest pictures you have in your Picture folders
Day 12 - A black and white photo
Day 13 - A picture from last summer
Day 14 - A picture taken with your cell phone
Day 15 - A picture that you edited
Day 16 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 17 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 18 - A picture of you and a best friend
Day 19 - A favorite picture of yours
Day 20 - Any picture that you want!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The light always shines through.

This post descibes my feelings on faith and God.

This is a photograph I took of the fence line, in my backyard. It reminded me of God and all the light He shines on the earth. Light always finds a way through...always.... Light, to me, is alot like faith...as long as its being supplied, it will find its way through.
I have recently started attenting Youth and Chruch and attempting to alter my life towards God and Jesus Christ. It seems like a good way to go!
I believe God has a plan for everyone, and the picture above reminds me, that no matter what, God is always supplying light and faith.

What are your feelings on faith and God?! Please Share!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Drama + Boys = Drama

I usually post with a picture I took, but I also post about how I feel at that time, so I didnt really have a picture to go with this feeling.

Drama: noun. Issues that cause hurt to others; pointless.
Drama is the worst and most common issue that occurs in High School. BOYS are usually the cause of this horrific occurance, when honestly, are they worth it? In High School, everyone turns against eachother to get what they want. Girls are rude, Boys are hurtful, and Adults dont help...the world sucks. Even if you have everything...you feel like you have nothing. Eventually, everyone becomes "best friends" again, and the cycle re-starts. My advice...trust no-one...

Sunday, June 6, 2010


tiptoes. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This post is dedicated to "TOMS".

"TOMS" are colored canvas shoes, as seen in the link above. They are super comfortable, and very stylish and for an amazing cause. If you buy one pair of "TOMS" shoes, they give another pair to a child in need. So, you get a snazzy pair of shoes and you feel extra-super-fantastic for doing so. Its a win- win.

"One for One- TOMS"

This picture was taken by me, of me standing on my tiptoes wearing my "TOMS" shoes, I called it tiptoes.

Hobbies and Seasons

Just starting Photography, its an intresting hobby I recently picked up. The other hobby I picked up awhile ago is Horseback Riding, and the best thing is, I combine the two. And the best time to do both is in the summertime.

Summer + Horseback Riding = Great Photography.